Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Night of 1/31/06

This dream had at least two parts. My dreams always seem to have many parts that roll into one and are somehow (at least when I'm dreaming them) connected. In the first part of the dream I started a new semester at Learning Tree, which had just moved to a different location. This location was very like a "real" school with desks and chalkboards and such. I added a science class the final period of the day (which I currently have free in reality). This doesn't make much sense as I'm already in a science class on a different day, but this is, after all, a dream. The science class was very large (for a co-op class), probably 25 or so students. The teacher was the same person I had (in the dream, though not in reality) for literary analysis. He didn't know much about science and made a whole bunch of things up.

Somewhere between here and the next part I got repremanded for using zeros (0) instead of the letter 'o' when I typed.

Later I was with a group of people at my house. We needed to go somewhere, but there weren't enough seats in our van, so I drove a few people in my car. We went to this big, red, barn-looking building (on Harrison Ave in the dream) that was dark inside and had a dark, earthy floor. All over the floor were bright white, flat mushroom-like things. I picked up a bunch of them and went to a different building to pay. Apparently I bought 27 of them because the big chart the cashier handed me said they were three for a dollar and I paid nine dollars for them.


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