Sunday, January 29, 2006

Night of 1/28/06

I can only rember flashes of this dream. One flash had something to do with me standing in front of a forest. The other (slightly bigger) part that I remember took place in a large building with a very brown-carpeted/wooden interior. I believe it was a college, but very unlike any that I've seen. There were kitchen cabinets all over the place. The dorms and the classrooms were all in one building and the people living there ranged in age from 3-mid 80's. There were no stairs, but the floors were very wide ramps that spiraled up to the next floor. In the middle of each floor you could look down to the bottom floor, much like you can when climbing a spiral staircase. I believe I was tutoring someone in math. Why do I always tutor people in math? Math is most definitely my least favorite subject, and yet I always seem to be teaching it to other people. Throughout the whole dream the song "Seize the Day" by Carolyn Arends was playing through my head and it's been stuck there ever since. Thanks, Persimmon. That's you're fault. ; )


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